
You around other people?

-Alrighty this thing's about you and how you can be different around people as well as the pros and cons to them:

-How you act around people is different yet depending on whether your around family, elders, friends, best friends, girlfriends, strangers, elderly strangers, ect... you can't help it like common sense that you shouldn't talk to a grandparent the way you would talk to say... a close friend. Depending on who your with and how comfortable you are with them alters your amount of formality with whome ever your around. Now the pros(positives) to this is that this is how you you keep youself known to people which is hopefully good but there is a potential downside which is when you're around all these people at once or you're in a situation where say someone close to you can see another side to you. Alright now think to yourself... have you ever been around a friend when they are with other friends and you notice that something is different about them? Like maybe a mood change, or they cuss more, or they're they get more or less talkative? Well either congrats or sucks for you for you just witnesses another side of someone. "WTF Aaron?! You're right. Whats's up with that?" Well say you are a rather new friend to someone... aren't you usually nicer than normal? The difference between you and those other friends is mostly differnt because of the comfort level between you and your friend and that person and those friends. Amount of respect is also a key factor. It's the same thing when you around family and strangers. You can change somewhat depending on who your around. How's that a downside? Well whatever you do has the potential to change how people think of you. Now back to when you saw a difference in your friend did you think differently of them? Maybe you've found them to be more annoying or more of of a jerk or something like they were more generous or noticed they were more popular than you orginally thought. This can lead to questions right? Questions that might not ever really be answered... ya' know. For all I know they might seem more fake to you. the downside to this is people have probably seen 'you' do something similar Which, even if you did't notice, you changed how they thought of you... for friggin' ever!*dramatic music* Haha a good example is maybe your chillin' at home with some of your closest friends and all of a sudden your dear grandma comes and sits in the same room and here you say a cuss word for the first time! lol This can forever change the way you grandmother looks at you. May not seem bad but think about other situations and think about it. Hmmm this is somewhat hard to explain in a blog but i hope it at least got you thinking.

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