
Music Theory

"Knowing music theory and playing/composing/communicating with a musical instrument is like knowing word grammar and talking/writing/communicating with your voice, pencil, keyboard, etc...

Music and words are both used as a means to communicate. These two topics fused into one subject can be known as the "Theory of Communication."

You can communicate in any language without necessarily having to study the theory of how it all works. But, if you did learn theory, you would most likely be able to express yourself much more cleary. That is, With higher intensity/excitement, more intent and far greater depth, by the use of synonyms, snytax, and other ways to get your thoughts/ideas/emotions across. Have you ever had a conversation with someone and couldn't find the word you were looking for? You might have even said, "it's on the tip of my tongue." The whole reason you continue to search for that "PERFECT" word is obviously because it completley fits your thoughts/emotions. So when your brain finally allows you to remember the word, you recieve this huge sense of relief because your word matched your thought 100%. I'm sure there's also been at least one time where you never found that word and gave up. It sucks when you feel that kind of frustration. The right word can be EVERYTHING! It can be the matter of life or death, determine whether or not you got the job, or even be the reason you have your significant other, litterally! Everyone wants to be able to say "just the right words." Every guy (straight guy at least, lol) would love to have girls on a regular basis give a naughty wink and tell them, "You know ALL the right things to say!"

Let's face it, if everyone only knew one word for each meaning of something...language would be BORING AS FUCK!!! Ironically the word "FUCK" itself can be used as an noun, adjective, verb, action verb (haha), etc...

It just makes communicating more fun/interesting when you can choose from lots of "WORDS" instead of barely knowing any and being so LIMITED. Like a foreigner who barely knows any english at all, In his brain he can say EVERYTHING, but because he doen't know english very well he's "bottle-necking" his thoughts/ideas and can't fully express him/herself to the fullest extent.

In this very Blog, I am choosing words that I wish to use. We're all pretty capable of understanding the same words, but does that mean we are forced to communicate exactly the same? And if I learn word grammar, does that mean it will make it impossible to use slang? Does knowing word grammar ruin a poet's expression? NO! If anything it gives him/her more ideas to play around and have fun with! The same applies for learning music theory.

Now, does learning word grammar force his/her mind to think a certain way? YES! Compare your word grammar to that of young child year old (besides their bad accents, lol). It's safe to say that you can probably relay your thoughts much better than the lil' tyke. For the parent/guardian they probably at one point told themselves after hearing their baby cry day after day, night after night, "Damn I wish I knew exactly what they were thinking!" I've even thought that about my dog when he barks, gets that sad puppy face, or when he starts to whine.

This is why I continue to encourage music theory upon my fellow musicians! I want everyone to have the ability to express themselves TRUELY so that their music is derived from the soul in its PURE form.


My ousin David rocks!


DJ E-Zenic

Alright before I put up any of my new mixes i thought I'd finish up my album n put 'em all out at once. I figure this would be best than putting up one at a time. Why? Well I think these new tracks are epic n I don't wanna get jacked by aholes. By the way there mainly trance mixes so cheers^^.

WTF is up with ur name: stands foe Epizenic which is just a funny way i say extremely epic. Sooo... Dj Epizenic/E-Zenic/E-Zen n if you say Dj E-Z ima hit you lol


My Junior Year

Well... it's been the definition of stressful. So much crap at once it can make you feel like just sayin' "F IT!" but I'm glad I've been hangin' in there. What's really buggin' me is that with senior year comin' up and our recession slowy turning into a depression, a lot of things have been running in my head that's just inescapeable. Hmm... I'm just wonderin' if I'm overthinking because most ppl my age don't seem to be thinking about this stuff as deeply as I do or at least been phased the way I have n sometimes I feel I'm gettin' paranoid @.@. Ha... this year even though stressfull I'm somewhat glad I'm goin' through it because... well it gave me a serious look at reality(a tuff kick to the face) and I think stuff's lookin' up ^^.


You around other people?

-Alrighty this thing's about you and how you can be different around people as well as the pros and cons to them:

-How you act around people is different yet depending on whether your around family, elders, friends, best friends, girlfriends, strangers, elderly strangers, ect... you can't help it like common sense that you shouldn't talk to a grandparent the way you would talk to say... a close friend. Depending on who your with and how comfortable you are with them alters your amount of formality with whome ever your around. Now the pros(positives) to this is that this is how you you keep youself known to people which is hopefully good but there is a potential downside which is when you're around all these people at once or you're in a situation where say someone close to you can see another side to you. Alright now think to yourself... have you ever been around a friend when they are with other friends and you notice that something is different about them? Like maybe a mood change, or they cuss more, or they're they get more or less talkative? Well either congrats or sucks for you for you just witnesses another side of someone. "WTF Aaron?! You're right. Whats's up with that?" Well say you are a rather new friend to someone... aren't you usually nicer than normal? The difference between you and those other friends is mostly differnt because of the comfort level between you and your friend and that person and those friends. Amount of respect is also a key factor. It's the same thing when you around family and strangers. You can change somewhat depending on who your around. How's that a downside? Well whatever you do has the potential to change how people think of you. Now back to when you saw a difference in your friend did you think differently of them? Maybe you've found them to be more annoying or more of of a jerk or something like they were more generous or noticed they were more popular than you orginally thought. This can lead to questions right? Questions that might not ever really be answered... ya' know. For all I know they might seem more fake to you. the downside to this is people have probably seen 'you' do something similar Which, even if you did't notice, you changed how they thought of you... for friggin' ever!*dramatic music* Haha a good example is maybe your chillin' at home with some of your closest friends and all of a sudden your dear grandma comes and sits in the same room and here you say a cuss word for the first time! lol This can forever change the way you grandmother looks at you. May not seem bad but think about other situations and think about it. Hmmm this is somewhat hard to explain in a blog but i hope it at least got you thinking.

About Me

My name is Aaron G. Gardea. Im 17, my b-day's on January 27 and I'm in my junior year(class '10). Not really religious. Im both mexican and filipino... umm mexiflip or mazn (lol its fun bein' mixed). Though i have different ethnic backgrounds, im not very asian or mexican when it comes to my attitude. Based on how things are going i might be working in market tradeing and focus on business, mainly through hook-ups by my step-dad while DJ'n on the side. Im a mellow dude you know (zen's the word) and i love it but at the same time Im goofy n or dorky. Totaly conscious of my actions and thoughts thus big on keeping my morality even if i don't show it. Family n friends b4 anything. I can't stand to have ppl hate me. I'm an older brother so knowing this helps me stay in line(keeps me strait edge) and away from bad habbits. I like to be the nice dude where ever i am... can't really be any other way for me. I always try to make ppl laugh based on whats happening (or id be really boring). I'm really into into music. I'm into DJ'ing house music(mainly drum n bass or trance)... its keeps me busy and honestly i believe im good. I'm actually into many genres of music so ask me n ill tell you my favs. I hate comp. phrases but i still tend to use 'em (i hate it!) but font faces r ok xD. hmm... if your wonderin' why my typing for this was so cruddy well it's because i'm lazy like that :B